I’m forty-eight novels into this writing journey and still love hearing readers say, “I didn’t sleep last night because of you!”
As you browse this site, please know how thankful I am for you and each one of my readers. My prayer is that God’s love, beauty, and redemptive work will shine through my stories and into your life!
“Gould is a fabulous writer…” — Library Journal

Received updates from Leslie about new releases, book sales, and behind the scenes stories!
Book giveaway!
Happy release week to Patricia Johns! Green Pastures is a poignant story about three Amish sisters in Lancaster County. The twist? The oldest is a veterinarian! It’s…
Selah Award finalist!
I have good news to share! The Amish Midwife, co-written with Mindy Starns Clark and a #1 Bestseller and Christy-Award Winner, is a Selah Award…
Winner of Amish Sweethearts
Cherie J. is the winner of a copy of Amish Sweethearts from my Valentine giveaway! Congrats! (Cherie has been notified by email.) Thank you to…