I’ve always loved Valentine’s Day, from when I was a little girl, to the first years of marriage, to celebrating it with our kids, and now to our (mostly) empty-nest years!
I also love sharing my books and others’ books too with readers! This month, I’m giving away 1 signed copy of one of my novels–Amish Sweethearts–as a Valentine to a reader. You can probably tell by the cover that it’s a “forbidden love” trope!
Leave a comment below about a favorite Valentine’s Day memory or tradition. I’ll choose the winner and then notify them by email on February 19. (US entries only, please.)
Not many special memories. Would do something special for my parents when I got older it was their anniversary.
Since we have been married we have always celebrated a quiet special dinner at home cooking it together, then retiring with our puppies and a comfy throw snuggling on the sofa watching a romantic movie.
That’s usually our plan too! 🩷
This comes to mind. My husband was an engineer – very practical minded. One Valentine’s Day, he gave me rechargeable batteries for my walkman. My family still laughs about it, but it really was very thoughtful, just not too romantic! ❤️
I love this!
My husband bought me and my daughter Hallmark stuffed animals for Valentine’s Day when she was about 10 years old. We were so surprised and we still have them, she’s grown up and a mother to three teenage boys! Still makes me smile and happy 😌
I remember that years ago in elementary school we used to share cards and candies with classmates in our home room class.
I loved those Valentine’s Day parties in school!
My husband left hearts with special words on them though out the house. Very special.
3 years ago, at the ages of 71 and 70, my husband of 53 years asked me to be his Valentine. He had bought me a pinky ring with a ruby and 2 small diamonds.
Presents lije tgat are just not something we have ever given.
Aww, I love this!
I loved Valentine’s Day when we were in grade school and we celebrated with classmate Valentine exchanges. My very favorite part was making our Valentine boxes for the occasion. We put our hearts and souls into those masterpieces to hold those special notes from our classmates. When I got home at the end of school, I would take out all my Valentines and go through each and every one again and then I would put them in a scrapbook. I have those memories to this day. The pages are yellowed in that scrapbook but all those Valentine memories are still there.
I love this! 🩷🩷🩷 I’d forgot about decorating a box–we did that too.
I always enjoyed the valentine exchange boxes at school. I had so much fun going thru my decorated box. It was like getting my very own mail!! ❤️💕💓❣️💝 The valentines with a piece of candy were my favorite!!❤️
My favorite Valentines memory is when my husband to me to our local humane society (we worked there together) and he asked me to marry him. We have been married 25 years now
I always cook a fun meal for my family and decorate the table fun. Then we eat by candlelight. That’s a request my kids made every year when they were really young. The thought it was magical. Then we bake a really yummy triple chocolate Bundt cake and put raspberries in the middle and all around it.
I also love to make little hear notes and decorate them for my hubby and kids. Last year I put them on their bedroom doors and my hubby’s closet door, and they wanted to leave them up. So they’re still there. I tried to write silly Valentine sayings but also specific things for each child that they’re good at our that I’m proud of that for or a special personality trait of theirs. It’s a fun tradition.
I love this Julie! 🩷🩷🩷
My only son was born in 1993, my brother and wife came to visit two days later on Valentines Day. They brought a baby gift of a beautiful little sleeper for him. But they brought me flowers for Valentines Day. He told me every mommy deserved flowers that day and now I qualified! I have never forgotten and the little helium balloon stayed full for over ten years and never went down. It’s been over 30 years ago now, and I lost my sweet brother in 2008 but have never forgotten his love to me and my baby boy too. My son had three boys since then, and the middle one who is so much like my family is named for my brother. The love lives on!
Ann–this is really beautiful. Lots of love in this story!
I’d love to win one of your books.
My favorite valentine was when I got a valentine bear from a very special friend who knows that I collect bears for every s holiday and that year I was disappointed because I didn’t have the money to spare because a unexpected bill came up so my friend bought it and gave it to me as a surprise.
Elementary school parties. It was a fun distraction in the middle of cold upper Midwestern winters.
My favorite Valentine’s Day memory is my husband sending me flowers to work because I had never had any gifts delivered to me at work before.
My husband cooking my favorite meal.
Would love to win this novel. It sounds like a good read.
I remember in elementary school making the boxes to put our cards in and having to sign each card. I remember us also having a party with Kool-Aid and cookies or cupcakes.
I love to go out to eat
We didn’t really ever do anything special for Valentine’s Day except give cards.
My favorite Valentine’s Day was a surprise picnic with all my favorite foods … and the gifts he gave me were books I had on my list to purchase. He gave me a book to read each month through the end of the year. This was many years ago but I always think of that special day each Valentines even though he’s passed away some time ago.
My Valentine (hubby, 44 years) has always made the restaurant reservation for a lovely Valentine’s dinner out, that’s always a special treat.
Amish Sweethearts sounds & looks like great read and I would just love to win this book in print format so I can read and reviewit
My husband isn’t a big romantic guy, I am so that kinda of makes it hard on me . I love to give he don’t is saying is this. “ you get anything you want at anytime you want“ that’s not the same. I’m trying !!!
Sadly, because I am still very single and very much looking, I have no Valentine’s Day Tradition other than to tell both my 84 year old parents I love them multiple times, but I do that daily, but I do hope that I win this book because it looks and sounds like a great read
Making and decorating cut-out heart cookies with our kids and grandkids is one of my favorite memories. 😍
My favorite Valentine’s Day was the year. My husband did not buy anything. What he did was to cut out a bunch of red hearts, and write on them. He hid them all over the house.
Hi, Happy Valentine’s Day!
I love Valentine’s Day! I love the colors, the cards, the candy and all the decorations! I used to just love hanging out those cute valentine cards when I was in elementary school. Now, like you, I get to exchange a card and some candy with my valentine of 23 years! Oh, and I have a furry Valentine and also a turtle! Thank you for the opportunity to win!
My wedding anniversary is earlier in February so Valentines Day is pretty low key, usually having a nice dinner out or at home. Heart shaped valentines chocolates are also always welcome!
I leave love notes in my hubby’s lunch. He was sure surprised to find a note IN HIS SANDWICH, once.
Enter Me to win.
Oh it sounds like another great read , I love making a valentine box in grade school and then passing out the cards to class mates oh the good memories of the pass
I loved making Valentine Boxes in grade school and collecting Valentines in them from my classmates. When my boys were still at home, would always do a special meal and decorate the table. My husband is very low key about holidays, so I’ve learned not to expect anything. It’s OK, he shows me in other ways how much he loves me. I enjoy Amish novels and it would be fun to win this one.
Chocolate! I have always loved Valentine’s Day! I like to decorate and bake cookies!
All of my Valentine’s Days are my favorite.
My husband always makes me feel very special for all of our 54 years together.
Happy Valentine’s Day! I have fond memories of making our boxes at school and exchanging valentine’s cards. Now that I’m an adult, my husband and I exchange cards and go to dinner. Thank you for this opportunity to win!
What a sweet cover for a book. I just wonder if a military man could marry an Amish girl? I am so taken with their beliefs.
Yes, that’s the dilemma! They’re in love–now what? 🩷🩷🩷
My favorite Valentine’s Day memory is my husband and daughter getting me a card, large box of candy and flowers.
Can’t wait to read this book!
Hi Leslie!! Thank so much for the chance of the giveaway! Sounds awesome! A Valentine tradition I keep is writing a Handwritten Card to my closest loved ones ( friends and family) telling them how much they mean to me!
I love this! 🩷
I guess my most favorite memory (& hardest) of valentines Day was in 2002. My Daddy had just passed away on Feb 7. I went to hallmark to buy a card for “my parents” as I usually did but suddenly realized in that moment I could no longer buy one for “parents” but only for my “Mama”. I stood there with tears streaming down as I read thru a selection of cards. This was a difficult task but I chose the card that fit my Mama the best I could!
So on that Valentine’s Day, I realized what I no longer had. But I was thankful for the promise of Heaven and seeing Daddy again. Now Mama is gone too but we’ll see them again! PTL
Aww, this is so poignant, Linda. 🩷 We never get over losing our folks. So thankful for the hope we have in seeing them again.
I loved Valentine’s Day as a child because of the parties at school. Sometimes there was a big box to hold all of the Valentine’s cards. On Valentine’s Day, the teacher would let someone be a “mailman” and pass them out. Other times, we would take our own decorated paper bags or containers so that the cards could be distributed throughout the week.
As a teenager, Valentine’s Day wasn’t quite as exciting! Many girls would get flowers delivered to school but none of my boyfriends could do that. Even though I knew that my name wouldn’t be called, I still waited breathlessly to see if I would be one of the girls called to come to the office!
Thankfully, my forever valentine never forgets my name! It may be a card, candy, or even flowers once in a while! Whatever it is, I know that he treasures me!!
Thanks for your lovely giveaway. Happy Valentine’s Day!!
I love your sweet comment–a trip down memory lane that so many of us can relate to. 🩷🩷🩷
My most memorable Valentine’s Day is that my first grandson was born on Valentine’s day. What a blessing it was. But he passed away in June so we won’t be celebrating with him anymore, but we will forever celebrate him being in our lives.
My favorite Valentine’s Day memory of exactly how important this day is to me – and my family. You see, my mom and dad met on a blind date and were married 7 days later on Valentine’s Day. Their love was the true description of what love is – deep, fulfilling, constant, enduring and always shown. My parent’s enjoyed just shy of 60 years when my dad was called to his heavenly home. I know he was waiting at the pearly gates a few years later when mom went to join him. All the years my parents were alive, Valentine’s Day was a day to celebrate their love along with ours (hubby’s and mine). Even now all these years later, they are with us in spirit as we think about the past and as we dream about many more years together.
Dad would always buy mom some Almond Roca, which years ago was considered an expensive candy, for Valentine’s Day. As much as I do love this candy, I seem to always save it as a “special” candy to be eaten only at Valentine’s Day.
Thank you so much for the chance to win a copy of AMISH SWEETHEARTS. LOVE the cover! As my dad was a career Army man, having served in WWII, Korea and Vietnam, it reminds me of my parents. The book is on my TBR list and I would love the opportunity to read and review it.
I enjoy going away for a weekend sometime in February to the beach.
Yay! 🩷🩷🩷
I love the cover!
We always cook a special dinner together and the retired to the sofa with our puppies and a comfy throw and watch a romantic movie. We have been doing this as a tradition since we were married.
Hubby and I just have a quite dinner at home and watch a movie
Hi, your book sounds like a great read and I love your book cover! We always get our now grown adult children and our 3 grandchildren a little something for Valentines day, and I always get my husband a chocolate candy, he loves chocolate. Thank you for the chance. May you have a Very nice Happy Valentines Day.
One Valentine’s Day that sticks out in my mind was probably twenty years ago. From our home, it’s about a four-hour drive to Charleston, WV. I had been to a really nice restaurant in downtown Charleston prior to this and decided that would be a great place to go to have a great Valentine’s dinner. We had a Trans Am at the time. I confirmed that the restaurant was still there. We got in the Trans Am in the afternoon and headed for Charleston. The Fifth Quarter Restaurant did not disappoint us. We had a great meal and a wonderful time driving up and back. It was a rainy, sloppy drive home. We had to stop to replace the windshield wipers in order to keep the windshield clear, but we had a great time together. The restaurant has since closed, so we can’t repeat that one, but I’m glad we made the spur of the minute decision to go.
Aww, what a lovely memory Edward!
Yesterday. Feb. 12, I had a lunch with my classmates, just four of us get together at least once a month, if not more. One friend goes all out decorating the table beautifully and we have lunch. We sit at that table and talk and laugh for four hours! I cherish these times as one friend may not be with us a long time yet.
I love Valentine’s Day. I love Your Amish books, and your war stories. So, Amish Sweethearts will be a win, win!!!!!!!!
Interesting cover (Amish & military!)
I love your books and would be delighted to win a copy of Amish Sweethearts. Blessings n you as you continue writing! 🥰
I once went on a first date to a Billy Joel concert on Valentine’s Day!
I’m not sure that I have a favorite Valentine’s memory. My husband of 32 years shows me so much love throughout the year. He makes every day special!
would love to read your book
We adopted two kids out of foster care and we made Valentine’s Day their Gotcha Day. We decorate a Valentine tree and then they each get a special small gift.
One year my husband surprised me with a Valentine’s Day daytrip. I was thrilled and had a great time.
I’m looking forward to reading your new book, Amish Sweethearts.
One of my favorite Valentine’s Day memories: I baked some Valentine’s Day cookies for my grandchildren and left them in their kitchen for them to find after school. They were pink sugar cookies cut with cookie cutters that came with a children’s book, The Valentine Kittens, that I’d purchased years before for their mom and her siblings. The kids didn’t believe that I’d made them. They thought I’d purchased them. Their mom recognized them since we’d made them when she was young.
Most my Valentine’s as a child I had some childhood disease. My brothers took my Valentine’s to school and brought mine home. I also did things for my nieces when they were young. Marriage no big deal we went out to eat when we had the money. Many times my husband was between jobs. This is first year my husband bought me roses after 45 years.
My husband and I usually combine Valentine’s Day and our Anniversary since they’re so close together. We go out to eat and he usually buys me a book at Barnes and Noble!
One of my most memorable Valentine’s Day was when my husband along with our 5 children each gave me 2 roses to make a dozen. They were so sweet taking turns to put in a vase. I loved it! And it looks like such an interesting read, love the cover! Thank you forthis opportunity! Blessings…
Thank you for the book giveaway!
My favorite Valentine’s Day memory is a bittersweet one. After my husband of 30 years walked out and away from our marriage & life together, I received a Valentine’s Day card out of the blue from my older cousin [she knew that I would be hurting at that time], and then, on that first-after Valentine’s Day, my young downstairs neighbor in his 30s knocked on my door and wished me a happier day with a small heart box of candy and a card because he also knew that that day would be hard [just as it was hard for his mother when his parents split].
Both gifts touched me to my core with the knowledge that someone cared about me at such a difficult time. I felt very blessed… and still do til this day and beyond. There IS love in this world. It just takes those special acts of kindness to realize it. Happy Valentine’s Day!
I too love Valentine’s Day; not sure when my love for V.D. began, but nonetheless it’s my favorite.
My love and marriage to my deceased husband was that of forbidden love. A love that was purely unconditional between two people of the opposite color. The Bible tells us to love one another. What I couldn’t figure out twenty-five and a half years ago and I still can’t is why racism being alive in my family after being raised with my cousins, three not like me, to love each other as individual people that bleed the same color of blood: red.
This morning in my FB memories I came across something my deceased husband did for me for Valentine’s Day a decade ago, he bought me roses, had them in a vase, and put them in our bedroom with the door closed. He had picked me up from work and when we got home he said some man dropped off my gift in the bedroom; he repeated himself three times before I finally understood what he said. He liked role-playing with me.
He’ll always live on in my heart and be credited for loving and raising my son as his own.
A favorite Valentine’s Day tradition in my family is making heart shaped cookies and giving each child a heart shaped box of chocolates to enjoy when they were young.
I have a dear much younger friend who hosts a multi-generation party for Valentines Day. I always make little treat bags and the children live passing them out. I just love it!
We’re planning on going out to eat at Arby’s on Valentines day- 26 years ago, we went there the day after we got engaged! Seems like yesterday. My feet still haven’t touched the ground.
My husband always surprises me with cards that include sweet thoughts about our time together. The surprise is that the card is always in an unusual place in the house. A place he knows I’m likely to go in a typical day but never the same place.
I baked a heart shaped cake every year when my kids were small and bought candy and gifts for them and my husband. Now I buy gifts for my grandkids and husband.
I would like to win a copy of your book as the blurb captured my attention.
Thank you
I enjoyed our classroom Valentines parties in grade school.
Getting to go out to dinner with my daughter and her family Thank you for this amazing giveaway
My favorite Valentines memories are of baking cupcakes for my parents. I miss them so much. Blessings
We always celebrate my mom’s birthday on Valentine’s Day. She turns 70 tomorrow and loves your writing as well!
Nowadays I get me a nutella chocolate shake to celebrate.
We have a tradition to go out to dinner with friends every year…usually the week before Valentine’s Day…to catch up on our lives.
I love the cover of Amish Sweethearts! It looks exciting!
I love making Valentine cards for the special people in my life. Thanks for doing this give away!
giving cards to friends
My Valentine’s Day memory that impacted me the most was the year my daddy passed. He passed in Feb 7 2002. I remember going to hallmark to buy a card for my parents! While looking through the cards I suddenly realized this year I would not be buying a card for the 2 of them but for Mama only. I stood there reading the cards trying to pick out the best one with tears streaming down my face! None for daddy this year! But I’m thankful that I’ll see him again in Heaven because of his faith in Jesus. What a promise!
I love your book cover! It’s amazing!
My favorite Valentine’s Day memory is when my husband put hearts with special sayings on them though out the house. It was simple, but so very touching. It’s been over 20 years since he did this and it’s my best one yet. 🥰
Excited to read your latest book!
I received beautiful red roses 2 years ago, the first time in my life.
My special memory is my late husband always bought me 3 red roses for Valentine’s Day – always! He said the 3 roses were for “I LOVE YOU.” One year I was insistent that he not buy me any roses. That year, I walked in the house from teaching and looked for my roses. There were none. My heart sank, but I tried not to show it. I went out to feed the dog and found my 3 roses in the shed where the dog food was kept. You can’t believe how happy I was. From then on, I never told him to not buy me roses. We were married 25 years before God called him home. How precious are my memories!
Over the years it has meant more to me to celebrate Valentine’s Day with my husband by just being together and able to spend our time not rushed by work, family, or life in general. Yes, it was always wonderful to get flowers, candy, and a card but I have learned to not take our lives or love for granted. Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!
I’ve always given my favorite Valentines, my children, a special treat on Valentine’s Day since they were little and still do as adults.
I have a mini party with my family.
I always send Valentine day cards to family and friends
Always bake cake of cupcakes for Valentine Day.
In 1984, I was spending my Valentine’s Day at Cosmetology school. It was a slow day when in walks in, with red roses and a heart full of chocolate, was my boyfriend. I was totally blown away. A surprise visit to ask me to be his valentine. Forty years later, I’m still his valentine and he will always be mine.
Aww, this is so sweet, Molly! 🩷
The book looks interesting! 😊 This year for Valentine’s my husband bought me a dozen roses…of the Lego variety!! 😊❤️
Haha, they’ll last forever! (I love Legos!)
I went to a one room country school for seven years. Every year we made valentine boxes with slits in the top so our friends could put valentines in them. The boxes were made with colored paper and crayon drawings covering a regular box. We had a Valentine’s Day party and it was such fun to get all those valentines.
My husband has often gotten me a rose bush for Valentine’s Day – once the weather warms up enough, we plant it in our yard. Love having something that will live on instead of just a bouquet that won’t last. Love your books and would love to win this one.
That’s a really beautiful tradition! 🩷
One year when my sister and I were little, our dad brought a big box of chocolates🍫 for our Mom and two small boxes of chocolates🍫 for us! I believe that was the only year he did that🙂💕💖❤️❣️
My favorite Valentine’s Day would be a childhood memory with My Grandparents. I always cherish the wonderful memories I have with my Grandparents. They both passed away. So, I would hold on their love and memories tucked safely in my heart.
As a grandmother, I really love this! 🩷
Leslie, I love your books. They reflect your sweet spirit!
🩷 Thank you, Barb! 🩷
I have lots of great childhood memories of class parties and exchanging cards. Once I became an adult, I continued to express my love to my family with small gifts. Hubby usually takes me out to dinner and then we return home to have dessert with the rest of the family, and I will give out small gifts afterwards.
Thank you for the chance to win. I love your books.
My favorite tradition for Valentine’s Day when my kids were younger we always had red and or heart shaped foods. Heart hamburgers French toast pancakes pasta and red sauce. Then a chocolate dessert. Yummm
One of my most favorite Valentines day traditions is making valentines day cookies and candy with my grandkids. The little ones always get so excited. Once they become teens, they’re not as interested but they don’t mind partaking of one or two. Lol